Better English Better Business

Daniel Nicol, Patric Fabian

Say 'Hallo' to Confidence: Delivering Presentations in English

2023-08-10 44 min

Description & Show Notes

Mastering Presentations in English: Confidence, Pronunciation, and Embracing Accents

Join us for an energizing episode of Better English Better Business as we delve into the art of presenting in a non-native language, specifically English. Discover the importance of preparation, language proficiency, and the role of fluency and confidence in delivering impactful presentations.

We explore practical tips for improving pronunciation, from recording and analyzing presentations to utilizing language resources and employing the technique of shadowing. We also touch on the topic of embracing your accent as a unique asset to add personality to your presentations.

Shifting gears, we emphasize the significance of functional grammar for effective communication, focusing on simple sentence structures and appropriate tense usage while simplifying the wonderful English tense system into the most essential tenses for everyday communication. 

Uncover the nuances between past simple and present perfect tenses for discussing the past, and distinguish between present simple and present continuous tenses for conveying present situations and actions before moving onto some tips for improving your future talk with  "will" or "going to".

Join us as we unlock the secrets of confident and effective presentations. Better English Better Business paves the way for German professionals seeking to excel in English proficiency, one engaging episode at a time.