Better English Better Business

Daniel Nicol, Patric Fabian

Behind the Mic: Unpacking the Art of Podcasting

2024-04-25 47 min

Description & Show Notes

Tune in to gain a deeper understanding of what goes on behind the scenes in podcasting and how genuine connections drive the success of any show.

Dive into the dynamic world of podcasting with hosts Daniel and Patric in this insightful episode of "Better English, Better Business." This lively discussion spans from the intricacies of podcast monetization strategies to the pivotal role of authenticity in connecting with listeners.

Explore how integrating storytelling into advertising can transform the listener experience and delve into the unique business stories that captivate audiences. Daniel and Patrick also shed light on the benefits of hosting networking events and the unmatched value of intimate conversations in podcast settings, emphasizing the joy and spontaneity that make each episode special.

As the episode wraps up, the hosts engage the audience with a call to action for more interaction, give a shoutout to their sound engineer Nadia, and highlight the services of Einzelkind Media. Don't miss their friendly sign-off and the invitation to stay tuned for more enriching discussions.

Tune in now to gain a deeper understanding of what goes on behind the scenes in podcasting and how genuine connections drive the success of any show.

Helpful Vocabulary:

  1. Brush up on - Auffrischen
    Definition: Improve or refresh one's skill in something.
  2. Catchphrase - Schlagwort
    Definition: A phrase or expression recognized by its repeated utterance.
  3. To touch on sth - Etwas ansprechen
    Definition: To mention or deal with a subject briefly or incidentally.
  4. To participate - Teilnehmen
    Definition: To take part in an activity or event.
  5. Literal - Wörtlich
    Definition: Taking words in their usual or most basic sense without metaphor or exaggeration.
  6. Set up - Einrichten
    Definition: Arrangement or preparation of equipment or a system.
  7. Funnels - Trichter (im Marketing-Kontext)
    Definition: Marketing term for the customer journey towards purchasing.
  8. Shout-out - Ruf
    Definition: A public expression of greeting, praise, or acknowledgment.
  9. Sponsorships - Sponsoring
    Definition: Financial support for an event, activity, person, or organization in exchange for advertising opportunities.
  10. Podcasting sphere - Podcast-Branche
    Definition: Community or industry involved in the creation and distribution of podcasts.
  11. Subscriptions - Abonnements
    Definition: Arrangements to receive something, typically a service, in return for regular payments.
  12. Membership content - Mitgliederinhalte
    Definition: Exclusive content offered to members only.
  13. Kickstarter campaign - Kickstarter-Kampagne
    Definition: A crowdfunding strategy to finance a new project or business.
  14. Paywall - Zahlungsschranke
    Definition: A system that prevents Internet users from accessing webpage content without a paid subscription.
  15. To tap sth - Etwas anzapfen
    Definition: To access or make use of a resource or source, often metaphorically referring to initiating the flow of benefits or information.
  16. Self-marketing - Selbstvermarktung
    Definition: Promoting oneself or one’s activities, especially in a career context.
  17. Revenue streams - Einnahmequellen
    Definition: The various sources from which income is generated.
  18. Engagement metrics - Engagement-Metriken
    Definition: Data used to measure users' interaction with content.
  19. Content guidelines - Inhaltsrichtlinien
    Definition: Rules or standards for creating acceptable content.